Monday, November 25, 2019

5 Myths and facts about Osteoporosis decoded

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5 Myths and facts about Osteoporosis decoded

Your bones are the foundation of your body. Protecting your bones is an important step to avoid osteoporosis and maintain a healthy spine. Osteoporosis is also commonly called the “silent disease” because most people don’t know they have it until the disease has really progressed. There are many factors like race, age, gender, family history, type of the body, menstrual history, lifestyle and history can make anyone susceptible to osteoporosis with aging. Check out these osteoporosis myths and facts to keep your foundation strong.

Myth: Weak bones are more easily broken.

Fact: Osteoporosis can reduce bone strength and quality which increases the risk for bone fractures. Compared to the women who are aged 60 plus with normal bone strength; those who have osteoporosis are 3 times more likely to suffer from a bone fracture as per study.

Myth: I need not get screened until i show symptoms.

Fact: Osteoporosis often has no symptoms until you break a bone. The best way to detect the condition is with a bone density screening which is a quick and a painless procedure. It is recommended that all women aged 65 and older must have osteoporosis screening. Some women may need to also get screened earlier. Make sure you talk with your doctor about your risk factors.

Myth: Men need not worry about osteoporosis.

Fact: The disease is more common in women, but men can have it, too. Osteoporosis affects about 16 percent of women and 4 percent of men as per studies and the rate of fragility based fractures in men is expected to triple in the next few years.  Researchers have found that after the age of 50, nearly 10% of men will experience a hip fracture or a spinal fracture caused by osteoporosis.

Myth: You need more calcium as you age to prevent osteoporosis.

Fact: Once a woman crosses menopause, she must increase her intake of calcium from 1000 mg per day to 1200 mg. Include a lot of calcium-rich foods in your diets such as low-fat dairy products, salmon, spinach and broccoli. Take good care of your body’s foundation now, and only then can you could prevent fractures later on.

Myth: Only older adults above 60 are more susceptible to osteoporosis

Fact: 45% is the percentage of older adults with low bone mass, as per the study in the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research. This puts anyone above the age of 40 at risk for osteoporosis. Being a woman, you may be at risk if you went through menopause before age 45, smoke, or do not exercise.

Osteoporosis can lead to significant pain and difficulty in functioning, can cause spinal deformity, and even give rise to serious illness or death in the most severe cases. There is a clear and immediate need for increased awareness of this disease and its prevention. Talk with our expertsat Orthomed to know more about how to prevent and keep osteoporosis at bay.

At Orthomedhospitals, we provide a wide range of orthopedic care and treat patients who come to us with acute or chronic injuries, work-related injuries etc. Our surgeons are specially trained to use the latest pioneering treatments in orthopedic care.

This Content Originally Published By Orthomed Hospital. Source Link:

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