Monday, December 9, 2019

Growing Stress a cause for Alzheimer’s. Be-Ware and be Aware

Best Orthopedic Clinics in Chennai
Best Orthopedic Clinics in Chennai

Stress! The most common problem of the 21st century. Are you or your loved one at loggerheads? If the answer is Yes! Read on. More and more people often complain of problems remembering familiar names, phone number or where they have put their glasses, keys etc. 

Loss of memory, is a common train in the elderly is a common train but surveys prove otherwise. Surveys show that loss the symptoms are more common in the elderly and they are increasingly seen in middle-aged and younger individuals. Many are understandably concerned about whether they will go on to develop Alzheimer’s disease (AD) or have mild cognitive impairment (MCI) that does not significantly impair their normal function and may not progress. 

How stress becomes a cause of Alzheimer’s Feeling Stressed for long periods of time is most likely to increase the likelihood of developing Alzheimer’s says a new study. The good news however here is that taking the right steps to manage and reduce stress is one of the sure-shot ways to maintain good brain health and ward off memory problems with age. High levels of stress in people of 70 and older are linked to an increased risk of mild cognitive impairment, a form of memory loss that often preceded Alzheimer’s disease. 

Neurons involved in chronic anxiety and fear ‘extensively overlap’ in areas that are associated with Alzheimer’s disease say, scientists. Researchers have also found that people who have experienced high and persistent levels of stress are twice likely to develop mild cognitive impairment than those who feel less stressed. 

Fortunately, stress is a modifiable risk factor for cognitive impairment thus making it a potential target for treatment. The perceived stress reflects on daily hassles that we all experience as well as the way we appraise and cope with these events. Perceived stress can be altered by mindfulness-based stress reduction, cognitive-behavioural therapies and stress-reducing drugs. 

The interventions may postpone or even prevent an individual’s cognitive decline. Stress can cause inflammation to the brain making it more susceptible to health problems like dementia. Stress can lead to depression and other related forms of the disease. 

What happens inside the body in case of chronic stress going beyond control? If we are chronically stressed and experience chronic “dis-stress” as a result then they are constantly releasing cortisol. Think of cortisol as nature’s built-in alarm system. It is your body’s main stress hormone which works with certain parts of your brain which controls mood, motivation and fear. 

Like red wine, too much of a good thing can spell disaster. Chronically high cortisol have shown to cause brain cell dysfunction, killing brain cells and causing atrophy of the brain. With ageing, something additional also happens. Biological systems may go into a tizzy and de-regulated, our ability to shut them down can, in turn, become more impaired with ageing. 

When cortisol levels go up, they can stay up for longer and also go down slower. We become more prone to the psychological effects of stress if we are dis-stressed and the effects can last longer. The Department of Neurology at Orthomed provides comprehensive consultative services, diagnostic testing and treatment for neurological conditions which include diseases of the brain, spinal cord, nerves and muscles. Do you suspect that stressful life events can lead to Alzheimer’s and have you seen the effects of stress on brain health in your family? Do share us your stories with us in the comments section below.


This Content Originally Published By orthomedhospital. Source Link:

Monday, December 2, 2019

Lower Back Pain and Complications

Back Pain

Back pains are something that people would never forget in their life time. Some suffer due to the demand in their respective profession, while others suffer of improper postures during routine lifestyle or at the time of physical activity. There are whole lot of hospitals in Chennai treating patients for Back pain and related complications. Ortho Med Hospitals offer exceptional treatment in curing people of their Back problems. Usually an irregular posture during a jog, a sudden physical reaction, sometimes during travel, or at some point of time a muscle pull or tear could be painful. Out of all the Ortho hospitals in Chennai, Ortho Med Hospitals in Chennai offer best treatment alongside Back pain management techniques which highlights the recovery and post treatment procedures which ensures sound health of a patient.
Lower Back constitutes muscles and ligaments softening the back bone which terminates at the spot. An unusual disturbance or change in this location could spark maximum pain. People who are obese, with poor postures and sore back are likely to catch up with a lower back pain. Ortho specialists suggest regular exercise alongside healthy lifestyle as a precautionary measure or a healthy recovery procedure for those suffering from Lower back pain. There are indeed many Orthopaedic specialists in Chennai. Finding the best hospital for ortho in Chennai is a tough task. Ortho Med hospitals makes your task simple.

Back pain management in Chennai is a challenging task. In a city of blitzkrieg pace, it is hard to find time for our own wellness. Finding a best Ortho hospital in Chennai, acquiring impeccable treatment with friendly Surgeons is like a dream. Exercising very hard and stressful work adds up to the agony. Women tend to suffer more due to prolonged work at Kitchen and managing household duties. Rest proves to be a part of recovery along with prescribed exercises from recognized Ortho specialists. Although Back pain is very common, it requires special medical intervention for quick relief. Proper diagnosis is important for complete cure. At Ortho med hospitals, our qualified medical practitioners offer treatment pertaining to International quality under Advanced healthcare equipment. Apart from Lower back pain, joint pains, pain or discomfort associated to bones, Ligaments, muscles and interlocking connections are treated at Ortho Med.
Ortho Med is South India’s prime location known for Sports Medicine, Joint Care and as well as Arthroscopy. The famous key hole surgery is carried out with ease at Ortho Med hospitals. We are pleased to let the world turn up to us since we have got a record cent percent positive outcome every time. We are specialized in treatments related to muscular skeletal system. Sports injuries are treated with international diagnostic equipment. Recovery and rehabilitation process is best educated to patients by a team of certified ortho specialists.
The list of treatments and various fields for which our dedicated team of Ortho physicians deliver round the clock care includes
1) Shoulder Care
2) Knee Care
3) Elderly Care
4) Neck and Back Care
5) Dance and Injuries caused due to Physical activities
6) Sports injuries
7) Weight Loss and Wellness

In addition to Ortho/ Bones and Joints care, Ortho med hospitals also treats patients across various medical streams such as
1) Neurology
2) Diabetes & Endocrinology
3) Gastroenterology
4) Nephrology
5) Cardiology
6) ENT
7) Oncology
8) General Medicine
9) Pulmonology
10) Pediatrics

The first of its kind Hospital in South India known to offer exclusive treatment for Sports injuries wishes a speedy recovery for people undergoing treatment for various Ortho treatments. Do visit us at Orthomed Hospitals Chennai.
This Content Originally Published By Orthomed Hospital. Source Link:

Friday, November 29, 2019

Even low-level activity may help reduce dementia risk

Best Neurology Clinics in Chennai
Best Neurology Clinics in Chennai

Dementia is the loss of cognitive functioning to such as extent that it interfered with a person’s daily life and activities get affected. The functions may include memory, language skills, visual perception, problem-solving, self-management and the ability to focus and pay attention. Dementia is not a disease and it a disorder. It ranges in severity right from the mildest stage when it begins to affect a person’s functioning to the most severe stage where a person must depend completely on others for basic activities of living.
What are the various factors surrounding Dementia
There are several factors that can affect a person’s chance of developing dementia. There are some unavoidable factors such as age and genetics. Others such as smoking, unhealthy behaviours etc are lifestyle choices that a person can change. Physical activity was also found to be protecting brain function, not by preventing changes at the cellular level known to be involved in cognitive decline. Eating a healthy diet and regular exercise may help prevent the onset of symptoms.
However owing to a new study, it has been revealed that any kind of physical activity that includes basic tasks such as doing housework may help protect a person’s brain when they have already reached old age. Just 6 months of aerobic exercise, it can reverse symptoms of cognitive impairment in older adults. Research has concluded that more daily movement is also linked to better memory and thinking abilities. Higher levels of motor skills are also linked with better abilities in those areas.
Who is more likely to develop dementia!
Also more specifically people are 30% less likely to develop dementia for every standard deviation of increase in physical activity. The same deviation can increase the motor skills when equated to a person being 55% less likely to develop dementia.
Current recommendations that we give at Orthomed is that we suggest at least 30 minutes of exercise at least 2 to 3 times a week until people feel a little tired but not exhausted. For people who are not active, this would mean starting out with shorter sessions of 10 to 15 minutes but getting 30 minutes of exercise in total per day. they can start with walking briskly on flat surfaces and that becomes easier over time as it includes some routes that need walking up hills.
As you become more fit, you can include more intense interval training that will be interspersing a few minutes of intense activity with a few minutes of stretching or less intense exercise. While the study has been focused on cardiovascular fitness alone, as people get older strength training and building muscle is also very important. More research is needed at this point to pinpoint that during midlife the fitness benefits begin to start accruing to reduce dementia risk.
Why choose Orthomed when Dementia gets more pronounced!
The Department of Neurology provides comprehensive consultative services, diagnostic testing and treatment for neurological conditions which include diseases of the brain, spinal cord, nerves and muscles. Tests including Electroencephalogram (EEG), Electromyography (EMG), Nerve Conduction Study (NCS) to help diagnose problems of the nervous system are performed. We are united by a common purpose: finding new treatments and cures that will reduce and ultimately eliminate the burden of neurological disorders on patients and the community.
This Content Originally Published By Orthomed Hospital In Chennai. Source Link:

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Just Diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer: Steps to do next

The month of November is the Pancreatic Cancer Awareness month and we atOrthomed are here to provide awareness. The pancreases are glands which are about 6 inches long lying between the stomach and spine. The pancreas has two main jobs in the body which are to make juices enabling the breakdown of food and to make hormones such as insulin and glucogen helping to control blood sugar levels. Both of the hormones help the body to use and to store the energy from the food that is consumed. The digestive juices are made by exocrine pancreatic cells and the hormones are made by endocrine pancreatic cells. Most of the cancers begin in exocrine cells of the pancreas.
What happens when you get diagnosed?
The shock and stress which people feel after or before the diagnosis of cancer are common and it is difficult to think of the questions you wish to ask when you attend the doctor or pancreatic specialist in Chennai. Most often, it will be easier to make a list of questions before you make an appointment and bringing in a family or a friend with you will help you when you talk to the doctor to take part in the discussion, take notes, or just listening can help. Always remember one thing in mind, the doctor is there to answer your questions, so shoot away and do not be afraid of the opinion or question any action or a procedure.
Here are some common questions that you might wish to ask your endocrine specialist
  1. What type of pancreatic cancer you have?
  2. Is it hereditary?
  3. Can cancer spread to other parts?
  4. What kinds of treatments are available and what would he/she advise?
  5. What are the risks and possible side effects of each treatment?
  6. Can you be treated as an outpatient or stay in the hospital?
  7. How long will the treatment take?
  8. Will you have pain from the treatment? What can be done to mitigate it?
  9. Will you need to change your diet after treatment?
  10. Will the treatment affect sexually or physically?
  11. Are there any alternative treatments for the case? In case of no! Why not?
  12. Are there any clinical trials that you need to know?
  13. How often do they have to come for a check-up and what do they involve?
  14. Does taking a second opinion helps in the case?
  15. How much does it cost and what happens if you don’t wish to take treatments.
What do you do next?
Patients who present themselves with one or more signs and symptoms suggest that pancreatic cancer needs quick investigation. This can be done by a CT scan or a PET-CT scan and early referral to the specialist unit for further investigations. The investigations and the tests can help the specialist team to diagnose, treat and monitor the condition. They are also called staging investigations. The results of the tests provide info about the abnormality in your pancreas and general health. The specialist team can also answer all your questions which are listed above to help you and your family make the most appropriate treatment choice for you
This Content Originally Published By Orthomed Hospital In Chennai. Source Link:

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

5 things that you must know about UTI’s in older adults

Urinary Tract Infection

If you have an ageing parent or a grandparent, chances are they have had a UTI or urinary tract infection at some point in time in life. But the risk of UTI is greater when a person is frail thus increasing their odds for delirium, hospitalization and death. A urinary tract infection or the UTI is a bacterial or a fungal infection that is a part of the urinary system, which includes the bladders, kidney, ureter and urethra. UTI is one of the most common infection in seniors and they experience more severe symptoms than younger ones. Our senior urologist at Orthomed will explain 5 things that youmust know to help older adults in your life.

1. Confusion alone does not signal a urinary tract infection: When an older adult becomes confused, many people both medical or non-medical immediately assume that UTI is responsible. Ageing also increases the incidence of confusion and delirium especially those who are genetically impaired or depressed, malnourished o completely dependent.

2) Bacteria in the urine is not necessarily a problem: Elevated urinary bacteria which are also called asymptomatic bacteria does not cause any major symptoms and can be corrected by increasing the fluid intake. The condition generally occurs to 10 to 20 % of women over the age of 65 and 20% of women over the age of 80 and 20-50% women who are living in nursing facilities. Urology experts must not treat urinary bacteria with antibiotics unless and until there are multiple signs and symptoms of UTI. This can encourage antibiotic resistance and make future UTI’s harder to treat. The presence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in the urine can also increase the risk of serious complications, infections or death.

3) Older adults can show other symptoms too: When your loved one’s doctor suspects a UTI, make sure you mention whether these are symptoms that are also present. • Sudden pain with urination • Fever over 100°F • Worsened urinary frequency urgency • Tenderness in the lower abdomen or above the pubic bone. If you have at least two of the symptoms above along with positive urine culture, you can confirm that you have a UTI. Older adults may also have other conditions that increase their risk for a UTI or that produce similar symptoms. Bladder obstruction is usually caused by UTI in older men and complete focus on UTI can mask serious underlying problems.

4. Older adults do not need powerful antibiotics for UTI’s: Treatment for UTI must begin with narrow spectrum antibiotics. The drugs are more likely to lead to antibiotic resistance and problematic side effects than broad-minded antibiotics. One of the most common first-line treatments for UTI is older adults is Amoxicillin which is commonly prescribed. Here are some tried and tested prevention strategies that he recommends

1)Encourage sufficient fluid intake.

2)Promote better genital and urinary hygiene.

3) Ask the doctor about low dose vaginal cream for postmenopausal women which rejuvenates vaginal skin and supports the presence of good bacteria. Following the above tips will surely help your ageing relative to stay healthy, productive and out of  Hospitals in Chennai

This Content Originally Published By Orthomed Hospital In Chennai. Source Link:

Monday, November 25, 2019

5 Myths and facts about Osteoporosis decoded

ortho specialist hospital in chennai
5 Myths and facts about Osteoporosis decoded

Your bones are the foundation of your body. Protecting your bones is an important step to avoid osteoporosis and maintain a healthy spine. Osteoporosis is also commonly called the “silent disease” because most people don’t know they have it until the disease has really progressed. There are many factors like race, age, gender, family history, type of the body, menstrual history, lifestyle and history can make anyone susceptible to osteoporosis with aging. Check out these osteoporosis myths and facts to keep your foundation strong.

Myth: Weak bones are more easily broken.

Fact: Osteoporosis can reduce bone strength and quality which increases the risk for bone fractures. Compared to the women who are aged 60 plus with normal bone strength; those who have osteoporosis are 3 times more likely to suffer from a bone fracture as per study.

Myth: I need not get screened until i show symptoms.

Fact: Osteoporosis often has no symptoms until you break a bone. The best way to detect the condition is with a bone density screening which is a quick and a painless procedure. It is recommended that all women aged 65 and older must have osteoporosis screening. Some women may need to also get screened earlier. Make sure you talk with your doctor about your risk factors.

Myth: Men need not worry about osteoporosis.

Fact: The disease is more common in women, but men can have it, too. Osteoporosis affects about 16 percent of women and 4 percent of men as per studies and the rate of fragility based fractures in men is expected to triple in the next few years.  Researchers have found that after the age of 50, nearly 10% of men will experience a hip fracture or a spinal fracture caused by osteoporosis.

Myth: You need more calcium as you age to prevent osteoporosis.

Fact: Once a woman crosses menopause, she must increase her intake of calcium from 1000 mg per day to 1200 mg. Include a lot of calcium-rich foods in your diets such as low-fat dairy products, salmon, spinach and broccoli. Take good care of your body’s foundation now, and only then can you could prevent fractures later on.

Myth: Only older adults above 60 are more susceptible to osteoporosis

Fact: 45% is the percentage of older adults with low bone mass, as per the study in the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research. This puts anyone above the age of 40 at risk for osteoporosis. Being a woman, you may be at risk if you went through menopause before age 45, smoke, or do not exercise.

Osteoporosis can lead to significant pain and difficulty in functioning, can cause spinal deformity, and even give rise to serious illness or death in the most severe cases. There is a clear and immediate need for increased awareness of this disease and its prevention. Talk with our expertsat Orthomed to know more about how to prevent and keep osteoporosis at bay.

At Orthomedhospitals, we provide a wide range of orthopedic care and treat patients who come to us with acute or chronic injuries, work-related injuries etc. Our surgeons are specially trained to use the latest pioneering treatments in orthopedic care.

This Content Originally Published By Orthomed Hospital. Source Link:

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Foot Diabetes and Prevention

diabetes specialist hospital in chennai
Diabetes Specialist Hospital in Chennai

Foot Diabetes

Diabetes is a situation caused when glucose levels differ in blood. Foot Diabetes is a syndrome where the foot of the diabetic person gets affected. Diabetic Neuropathy is a condition associated with FootDiabetes. It is a condition where extreme pain is sensed in the nerves of the feet. Over a time period the patient gradually loses sensitivity in foot. Natural flow of blood towards the feet is also disturbed. Ultimately the appearance and shape of foot is subjected to changes. Later the person is prone to infections and allergy of foot. In rare cases with respect to acute situations, the foot is amputated to control the infection from spreadingfurther.

Symptoms of Diabetes

Frequent thirst, frequent urination, feeling weak and tired most of the time are some of the common symptoms of being diabetic. Some people find their wounds taking very long time than usual to heal, while others feel hungry and craving for sweets. While Medical Industry suggests there are a whole lot of reasons for diabetes andsymptoms too ranging from one to many. With inventions in medical industry advancing day by day, there is an opportunity for experts to discover a reason or symptom each time.

Diabetes Prevention

Diabetes might be prevented before its onset. But once a person is diagnosed diabetic, it is only a matter of controlling it within the line. Maintaining Healthy lifestyle along with Physical fitness seems key to fight diabetes. In the case of people suffering from obesity, physical fitness is the important factor which could help keep diabetes at bay.

Foot Diabetes Causes

Foot Diabetes is caused by prolonged span of diabetes in a person. If a person fails to take care of himself well, he is prone to be affected. Some of the important causes hang around health maintenance, proper medical treatment and food habits. People without healthy lifestyle are more prone to be affected with Foot Diabetes. Due to the existing sedentary lifestyle, there is a need to take up Health check up on a regular basis.

Foot Diabetes Prevention

To Prevent Foot Diabetes, a person has to first control his blood sugar levels. People suffering from Foot Diabetes slowly lose their feel on foot. Under proper medication and effective physical exercise, his/ her blood sugar levels stay consistent. This ultimately ensures the absence of Foot Diabetes. For a diabetic person, it is essential that they eat healthy, stay healthy and keep their body physically active. Regular Physical activity ensures a good metabolism.

OrthoMed Hospitals in Royapettahoffers exceptional treatment for Foot Diabetic problems. Foot Diabetes causes loss of shape of foot in diabetic people. It injures the bone and ultimately leads to amputation. Stop ignoring the signs, get educated and act now.

This content is originally published by Orthomed Hospital In Chennai

Friday, October 25, 2019

ACL Surgery and its Recovery with Orthomed

joint replacement surgery in chennai
joint replacement surgery in chennai

ACL Surgery (Anterior Cruciate Ligament) is a type of surgery offered for sportsperson. There are people with a lot of stress on joints and knees. It is an arthroscopic surgical ligament reconstruction which is done on the knee.  After an ACL Surgery is opted, the recovery time is usually between 3 to 6 months. Sportspersons, athletes and even normal people in case of knee ligament tear opt for ACL Surgery.
Orthomed Hospitals has been in service offering wide varieties of treatment, especially in the field of Sports medicine and treating athletes, we have excelled in offering the right treatment for the right person. The recovery and rehabilitation is exceptional as regarded by the patients who took out to our testimonials. Some of the most common sports injuries like Shoulder injuries such as a discomfort on the shoulder, shoulder dislocation, preventive care on shoulder injuries, Knee and Joint care etc.,
Arthroscopic ACL Reconstruction surgery has become common nowadays. If your knee ligament is torn, you could most probably have to consider performing ACL Reconstruction surgery. In some athletes, they might find it difficult to not go 100% fit in their sport, they could opt for anterior cruciate ligament ACL Surgery and become match fit in a few months after complete recovery and rehabilitation.
In ACL Surgery, the existing torn ligament is replaced by a graft structure while this surgery is performed general anesthesia / Spinal anesthesia. It is undertaken by creating minor incisions in the knee joint. The ACL Surgery is risk free and there are maximum chances of acquiring your natural life after recovery. Normal performance is expected after recovery from ACL Surgery. ACLs have always been successful.
Anterior Cruciate Ligament ACL surgery when performed at specialized hospitals have always went good and people who had recovered felt good about it. We also provide superlative treatment for elderly people suffering from joint pain and offer preventive care and diagnostic treatment in case of Osteoporosis. Our best team of doctors is always ready to attend the most challenging of medical cases. In addition, Orthomed also offers Weight loss programs for youth and middle-aged people.
Weight problems and obesity are the main cause forknee/joint problems apart than sportspersons. Our therapists advise on what to do and what not to do to lose weight and get fit. A list of precautionary tests such as Thyroid and related observations are carried out. Our Weight loss programs are out of danger and side effects. We understand the body conditions of our patients and offer related treatment that could get along well with them personally. This in turn motivates them to lose weight.
Orthomed Hospital in Royapettah offers superior treatment for people suffering from Sport injuries. We provide treatment for athletes and sportsperson who suffer recurrent muscle tear and injuries. Bone and joint related problems are treated by specialized doctors at Orthomed Hospitals.
This Content Originally Published By Orthomed Hospital.

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

What is the treatment of knee pain?

knee replacement specialist in chennai
knee replacement specialist in chennai

What is the treatment of knee pain?

The knee is one of the most important, largest and most complex joints in the human body. They help you move and supports almost the entire weight of the body. A layer of fine rubbery tissue called as cartilage acts as a cushion between the bones of the joint and protects the surface of the bones as the knees move. When this cartilage is worn out or damaged, the bones may rub together and cause pain. This, in turn, affects the mobility of the person. People with cartilage damage commonly experience joint pain, stiffness, and swelling in the joints. Cartilage damage can be diagnosed through modern invasive methods like MRI and arthroscopy. There are many types of arthritis, but most knee pain is caused by these three types: osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and post-traumatic arthritis.

Some of the things you can do to reduce the knee pain are:

• Maintain a healthy lifestyle
• Do not rest too much
• Exercise regularly
• Maintain ideal body weight
• Do not risk a fall
• Acupuncture
• Wear comfortable shoes
• Do not feel shy about using a walking aid if it is necessary.

The most common cause of cartilage deterioration is wear and tear caused due to a condition called osteoarthritis. This generally develops with aging. Osteoarthritis is also referred to as degenerative arthritis or degenerative joint disease. Osteoarthritis can damage the entire knee or just be limited to one side of the knee. The other major risk factor for cartilage damage is obesity. This is due to increased mechanical stress on the cartilage. It is believed that repeated trauma to the joint tissues may lead to early onset of osteoarthritis. Severe osteoarthritis of the knees is one of the most common reasons for knee replacement treatment.


There are two types of surgical treatment for knee pain:

• Partial Knee Replacement: The damaged portions of the knee is replaced with plastic and metal parts.
• Total Knee Replacement: In this procedure, the entire knee is replaced with an artificial joint. This is a more advanced surgery and requires hospitalization.

Knee replacement treatment, also referred to as knee arthroplasty is a surgical procedure performed to replace the weight-bearing surfaces of the knee joint to relieve pain. It is commonly performed to relieve the pain caused by osteoarthritis. In general, the surgery involves replacing the damaged joint surfaces of the knee with metal or plastic components shaped to ensure smooth movement of the knee. The knee replacement treatment takes about 1.5 to 3 hours to complete.

Most patients will be able to resume their daily activities within 6 weeks of surgery. They can start driving within 4-6 weeks based on their speed of recovery. It may take from 3 months to an entire year to fully recover and enjoy the benefits of knee replacement surgery. It is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle, diet after surgery. Physical therapy plays an important role in the rehabilitation after total knee replacement surgery. Studies show that the artificial joint is capable of functioning for at least 15-20 years after receiving it. The wear and tear on the joints determine its performance and lifespan.


Orthomed hospital is South India’s first hospital for Arthroscopy (keyhole surgery), which is a minimally invasive procedure proven to be effective to achieve a maximum outcome. Orthomed provides the best knee replacement treatment in Chennai. Our team of experts provides specialized care for knee arthritis. Orthomed hospital is equipped with the most advanced arthroscopy equipment to treat knee arthritis.

The program provides the best patient care possible through integrated practice. Orthomed offers Biological joint replacement, which is becoming a popular choice among patients. In this procedure, the joint cartilage is replaced without the metal prosthesis. At Orthomed, we believe that the best care always starts with proper screening and diagnosis. With state of art technology and advanced equipment, Orthomed hospital provides the best knee treatment in Chennai.

The treatment ensures that you can return to an active lifestyle as soon as possible. A dedicated physiotherapy program is tailored for each patient to improve the strength, flexibility, balance, and range of motion. Our mission is to provide exceptional orthopedic care while maintaining quality and cost-effectiveness. Orthomed hospital, being one of the leading hospitals in Chennai provides the best knee replacement treatment in Chennai.